The Art of Minimalism: Transforming Your Home Office Space

The Art of Minimalism: Transforming Your Home Office Space

Working from home often requires the use of an old bedroom or other space that was never intended to be a place of employment. It’s easy to turn an empty room into an office simply by putting in a couple of pieces of office furniture. At first, it’s easy to keep the space neat and tidy, but eventually, you find yourself spending less time on organization and letting disorganization creep in.

Finding help with home organization in Philadelphia is one place to start, but you can also go further and make that room into a fully featured office space. Here are some tips to get your home office free from clutter.

Take Out Unused Furniture

Chances are good that you’re the only person who’s using the office at any given time. That means you don’t need much more than a desk, an office chair, and a table for your printer. You don’t need more than this for your office space apart from an additional chair or table. If your office space is small, keep it to three pieces of necessary furniture and eliminate anything you’re not using.

Furniture takes up space and makes it feel more cramped. Taking out the furniture you don’t need will make the room feel bigger and cleaner overall.

Install Shelves to Keep Stuff Off the Floor

Floating shelves are a type of shelf that looks like they’re hanging unsupported. They create a clean visual along with giving you vertical storage space or a place to put a plant or two for color. Shelves are also good for putting things that you need to use on occasion, but otherwise need a dedicated space for their safekeeping. If you’re not confident in your carpentry skills, you can hire a professional to install them as they’re building your custom office in Newtown, PA.

Use Bookcases and Cabinets to Organize

Installing a bookcase along one wall of your office makes it easier to keep things organized and minimalist. You can put your overflow items into the bookcase as well as books, and put in some small decorative items for color. A bookcase is simple to maintain, and won’t require a lot of time to organize after you’ve moved some things around.

Cabinets are great for hiding anything and everything. For example, you have a bunch of cables for your electronics, and you need to store them neatly. A cabinet gives you the ability to store something that has a messy appearance and keeps it out of sight, yet they’re readily available when you need it.

Add Closet Space

Closets are ideal for storing anything and everything in one, compact space. You can have one installed anywhere that makes sense in your home office. In turn, you gain a storage space that doesn’t draw attention to itself, you can have a space with adjustable shelves, and close it off to view whenever you’d like.

Call Legacy Wardrobe Today to Get Started on Customizing Your Home Office Space

At Legacy Wardrobe, we’re experts at turning your office space into a minimalist environment that meets your needs. Not sure where to start? Call us for a consultation. Our design team will discuss your daily routines, how you’re currently using the space, and what you want to change. Once you’ve decided on a plan, we’ll get to work making it a reality.

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